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Botanics Exhibition Poster Morven Mackinnon.jpg

Dundee Botanic Gardens Green Gallery

I reached out to Dundee University Botanic Gardens about putting on an exhibition in their Green Gallery Space, and arranged an exhibition lasting two weeks. It was a peaceful space for a gallery which matched the theme 'Serenity'.

I organised an opening for the exhibition along with the gardens staff which turned out to be a success. 

Below are photos of the opening and the exhibition, the individual paintings and ceramics can be seen on the other pages of this site.

late summer poster.jpg

Brompton Chapel

My first exhibition was in Brompton Chapel in London, along with 5 other incredible artists! It was wonderful to meet the other artists and to work together and chat while minding the exhibition.

This experience has taught me so much for any future exhibitions and I am so happy to have been a part of it.

Below are some photos from the exhibition.

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